WalkaboutWiFi.com Enable WiFi Hotspot / Tethering (Root Users Only)
WalkaboutWiFi.com Enable WiFi Hotspot / Tethering (Root Users Only)
This page is Quoted from another site. Warning!
I figured I would take a crack at this:

If you wish to get the native WiFi Hotspot / Tethering ability for your HTC Jetstream here is how to do it:

1.) Unlock your bootloader and root your device via guides in this forum.
2.) Download your favorite file manager, I personally used Root Explorer.
3.) Open your file manager, browse to /system
4.) Mount /system with Read/Write access
5.) You will see a file named build.prop
6.) Open this file for editing (In Root Explorer you hold down on the file and hit "Open in Text Editor", look for similar option if using different file manager)

7.) Once in the build.prop file about 25 lines down or so you will see the following:

8.) Change the values to the following:

9.) Save your changes. (In Root Explorer, hit menu drop down on top right, and choose "Save & Exit")
10.) Reboot your tablet, you will now have all native tethering options in the Wireless & Networks Menu
11.) Verify you are on a data plan of some sort with your wireless carrier.

I take no responsibility for your tethering actions or usage charges should you not be aware of your data plan or should your carrier decide to charge you additional fees if they can somehow figure out you are tethering, but they most likely will not as most tablets are on broadband plans anyways. Root Warning!

I have tested and confirmed this working on an AT&T Jetstream tablet.

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